The Cheapest DNA Testing?

We get it. Money’s not easy to come by these days. It makes sense that you pick the cheapest way to get what you want — in this case — answers about paternity or DNA testing.

DNA Paternity Testing is THE MOST AFFORDABLE provider of court-admissible DNA testing. We will provide the best service, with the most accurate results, at a price you can afford. Satisfaction guaranteed!

Beware "Free Paternity Test Kits"

You may see advertisements for free paternity tests online. These sites will proudly offer to send you a totally free test kit. But there’s a nasty catch later: The shipping of the test and the processing of the results comes at a cost, often higher then you would ordinarily pay. With our In-Home Test Kits, there’s no hidden fees and no “gotcha!” charges. Everything from the postage to mail in the results and getting the results processed is included in the price.

Many ways to Pay

DNA Paternity Testing strives to make your test as easy and discreet as possible to pay for. We accept major Debit or Credit Cards. We also can take a Split Payment, where only half is due up front and the other half is due before your results become available. Finally, we have a special type of payment where we can take Pre-Paid Gift Cards.  You can purchase these cards from any nationwide retailer like Walmart, Walgreens, Target etc. You don’t need any personal information to purchase them, so they aren’t traceable.

We understand there are many options when it comes to paternity/relationship testing, but we are confident you will find no other that will compare to the service we provide. Place your trust in us. Call 866.232.7660 or Order Online today!

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