Reports: DNA tests prove inmate not Prince’s son

A Colorado prison inmate’s claims that Prince was his father were disproved by DNA test results, according to the Associated Press and TMZ.

Both outlets cite sources who have seen the documents, which have been sealed by the Minnesota judge overseeing Prince’s estate in the absence of a will.

The man in question, Carlin Q. Williams, will no longer be entitled to inherit Prince’s fortune, estimated to be worth up to $300 million. Williams’ mother, Marsha Henson, told the AP she did not believe the results.

“I don’t believe that. I think they’re positive,” said Henson, who has claimed she had unprotected sex with Prince at a Kansas City, Missouri, hotel in 1976.

Williams, a 39-year-old whose criminal record includes drug and domestic violence charges, is serving eight years in federal prison for unlawfully transporting a firearm in a stolen vehicle.

Williams had long asserted that he was Prince’s son, though it’s not clear whether Prince was aware of that. Before he went to prison, Williams was trying to launch a career as a hip-hop artist under the moniker Prince Dracula.

TMZ first reported the DNA results.

Judge Kevin Eide sealed the documents on Wednesday “due to the confidential nature of the determination of heirship issues,” according to documents filed with the court and obtained by USA TODAY.

Prince died of an accidental drug overdose on April 21  in his Paisley Park compound in Carver County, Minn., and no will has been located. Prince left no parents, spouses or known children.

Williams’ Florida attorney, Patrick Cousins, and his publicist, Bruce Lewis, did not return emails seeking comment.

“There is really nothing to say,” Prince’s nephew President Nelson told the AP. “There isn’t much to say because it was never a thing.”

Under Minnesota law, full siblings and half-siblings are treated equally for the purposes of inheritance. Both of Prince’s now deceased parents had children with other spouses and relationships.

The estate has to separate the legitimate relatives from the scores of people coming forward, many of whom may be frauds or mistaken, before it can fairly distribute the assets of Prince’s estate.

Meanwhile, would-be heirs have been coming forward, although Eide had set a deadline earlier this month for filing paternity and kinship claims. Many of the claimants have sought to have their DNA test results and their testimony sealed so as not to be forced to discuss sensitive family matters in open court.

At last count, in addition to his one full sister, Tyka Nelson and his half-dozen known half-siblings or their descendants, at least three more half-siblings have come forward, along with at least two more previously unknown children (other than Williams) and seven people who claim to be descendants of the sister of Prince’s great-great grandfather.


Article by: Andrea Mandell, USA TODAY

Relationship testing to establish paternity – Who should be tested when the alleged father is not available?

In cases where neither the alleged father nor a sample for the alleged father is available for testing, who should be compared to the child? Well, the very best option when the alleged father is not available is to have both of his biological parents test. Therefore, testing the child’s alleged biological paternal grandparents.  If only one alleged paternal grandparent is available but the other is not, testing the one alleged paternal grandparent along with the mother of the child is a good option.

If no paternal grandparents are available, an alleged paternal aunt, uncle or sibling can be compared to the child in question. As with any relationship test, there is a chance of an inconclusive result. An inconclusive result simply means there is not enough DNA to say one way or another whether a biological relationship exists between the relative(s) and the child in question. This is why it is so important to determine which parties to include in the DNA test in order to produce the strongest result possible based on your specific situation. Many times, the sex of the child makes a difference as to which relative(s) need to be included in the test.

How important is choosing the right DNA testing center?

A True Story: We have always stressed the importance of having DNA testing performed by an AABB Accredited facility. Now, after an incident we personally dealt with, we realize how important it actually is.

Summer 2011: An adult female contacts DNA Paternity Testing Centers inquiring about paternity testing.  She says, “I need to have a legally binding paternity test done for myself and my father.” We schedule a paternity test via our Standard Option.

When the results came back, the probability of paternity was a 0%. When the results were given, we could tell the woman sounded upset. About 15 minutes later, she called us back. The woman was in shock and very upset. She explained that she had taken a paternity test in California a little over 3 years ago, prior to moving to Texas and the results indicated the gentleman was her biological father. We asked if she could recall what company she used and/or if she had a copy of the results. She explained the results were filed away in storage and she would try to find them. She explained the test was relatively inexpensive and the results of that test were not legally binding. However, the results sent to her were 99.99%. The only reason she contacted us was because they now needed a legally binding result for some underlying reason.  We empathized with the woman, realizing she was in a tough situation.

The woman was interested in getting another test. We recommended she schedule our Expedited Option, which is performed by a different AABB Accredited laboratory than our Standard Option. We told her if the results for the Expedited Option were different than those of the Standard Option, the case would be investigated and she would not be charged.  She agreed and the two of them went in for a second, legally binding paternity test with our company. Unfortunately for them, the result, again, came back as a 0%, indicating the gentleman was indeed not her biological father.

We produced the original legal documents for 2 separate paternity tests, both performed by 2 different AABB Accredited facilities. Clearly, the non-legal test they had used 3 plus years ago was inaccurate and they had been falsely led to believe they were father and daughter.

We are not saying that all non-legal tests are inaccurate. In fact, we offer a non-legal option ourselves. However, we are saying it is very important to research the testing facility you schedule testing with. Make certain the testing lab possesses the proper accreditations. Being accredited means the laboratory has passed vigorous testing and procedures verifying the integrity and validity of the entire process. When it comes to DNA testing, please verify the facility you are using provides testing performed by an AABB Accredited laboratory.