Do Genetics Affect COVID Severity?

A new study has revealed genetic similarities between those who battle blood clots and faulty inflammatory responses with more severe cases of COVID-19.

Scientists used data from the Million Veteran Program, one of the largest and most diverse biobanks in the world. Scientists were able to examine the various DNA pieces that could be exploited by COVID-19.

Researchers examined whether other health conditions were associated with the variants of severe COVID-19. They analyzed about 1,500 disease traits that were present in the electronic health record.

Researchers found that the ABO locus, a gene’s position on a chromosome, was associated with severe cases of COVID-19. The study found that “patients with these variants were 33% more likely to have conditions like venous embolism and thrombosis, which both involve blood clots.”


  • Those with African ancestry were 29% more likely to have neutropenia, which is a low white blood cell count.
  • Those with European ancestry did not have an increase in neutropenia associated with severe COVID-19 cases.

While genetics can certainly play a part in the severity of COVID-19 cases, genetics are not the only factors at work. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle through diet, exercise, and clean living environments are crucial to staying healthy and reducing the severity of disease.

DNA Paternity Testing provides rock-solid answers to important questions like parentage and ancestry. With over 2,000 centers nationwide, DNA Paternity Testing Centers is one of the largest, most affordable, networks of accredited DNA testing labs in the United States. Our price is unbeatable without sacrificing quality. We offer DNA testing for paternity, maternity, and all other relationships (grandparents, siblings, aunts/uncles).

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Does DNA Influence Gut Health?

DNA Changes Increase Cancer Susceptibility

As science continues to evolve, there have been clues about genetic changes and susceptibility to cancer.

Now, a research team at the Sloan Kettering Institute has found evidence of a change in human DNA after diverging from other primates that make humans more likely to develop cancerous tumors.

The team published their paper in Cell Reports where they compared human DNA with non-human DNA.

The research team found a small difference in the BRCA2 gene, which is a factor in tumor suppression. BRCA2 gene helps code for DNA repair. Scientists believe this change occurred after humans diverged from other primates.

The findings of the study confirm prior research that humans with a certain BRCA2 variant are more likely to develop tumors, especially breast and ovarian tumors.

Another interesting finding is that women with BRCA2 have increased fertility rates. While these women have the blessing of fertility, they are also more susceptible to cancer.

With every new genetic study, scientists are getting closer to discovering the correlations between DNA and health conditions. However, science is simply not there yet. In the meantime, genetic testing for parentage and ancestry is accurate and reliable.

DNA Paternity Testing provides rock-solid answers to important questions like parentage and ancestry. With over 2,000 centers nationwide, DNA Paternity Testing Centers is one of the largest, most affordable, networks of accredited DNA testing labs in the United States. Our price is unbeatable without sacrificing quality. We offer DNA testing for paternity, maternity, and all other relationships (grandparents, siblings, aunts/uncles).

Call us today at 866.944.9546 or ORDER ONLINE!

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A New Era of Medicine?

Woman Reunited With Half-Siblings

For many adopted individuals, DNA testing sheds light on their family history and brings about beautiful reunification. This is the case for Melissa Turnpaugh.

Turnpaugh was adopted as an infant after her mother passed away. She had never met her father. Turnpaugh’s adopted mother gave her vague details about her biological mother but never gave Turnpaugh enough information to locate any living relatives.

With the popularity of take-at-home tests, Turnpaugh set out to find her biological father. She signed up for 23andMe in 2018. A few months later, the results led her to a half-brother whom she never knew she had.

“I ended up going on Facebook and found a guy who looked a spitting image like my mother, and I was like ‘Oh my word this has to be him because there’s no way that you look that much like her and [are not] related,” said Turnpaugh.

She flew to Florida to meet her half-brother, Michael, but her story wasn’t finished.

A year later, 23andMe revealed another result. This time to a cousin, who was able to connect Turnpaugh with her dad’s sister, Diane. This connection led to Turnpaugh’s learning that her father died in 2001 from pulmonary disease.

In 2020, Turnpaugh connected with her half-sister, who was 30 years older than her. The siblings were finally able to be all together this past Christmas.

DNA Paternity Testing provides rock-solid answers to important questions like parentage and ancestry. With over 2,000 centers nationwide, DNA Paternity Testing Centers is one of the largest, most affordable, networks of accredited DNA testing labs in the United States. Our price is unbeatable without sacrificing quality. We offer DNA testing for paternity, maternity and all other relationships (grandparents, siblings, aunts/uncles).

Call us today at 866.944.9546 or ORDER ONLINE!

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How to Protect Your Genetic Information

A New Era of Medicine?

We all know that our bodies are unique; even identical twins have their own fingerprints. Our uniqueness comes from our genetic makeup, which is a combination of DNA from two people to create a new set of personalized DNA.

Does medicine affect our bodies individually, as well?

Doctors have known for a while that the same medicine doesn’t work for every single person. Tylenol may relieve headaches for some, and ibuprofen for others. Two patients with identical cancer diagnoses may respond differently to the same chemotherapy. Some people may need more than the recommended dose, while others need half.

Professor Mark Caulfield, the president-elect of the British Pharmacological Society, said “99.5% of us have at least one change in our genome that, if we come across the wrong medicine, it will either not work or it will cause harm.”

As more and more data is unveiled from DNA testing, doctors are getting very close to determining what medicine each patient will respond to based on their DNA, both positively and negatively. This groundbreaking advancement can save countless lives!

Professor Sir Munir Pirmohamed, from the University of Liverpool, said: “What we’re doing is really going to a new era of medicine because we’re all individuals and we all vary in the way we respond to drugs. We need to move away from ‘one drug and one dose fits all’ to a more personalized approach, where patients are given the right drug at the right dose to improve the effectiveness and safety of medicines.”

DNA Paternity Testing provides rock-solid answers to important questions like parentage and ancestry. With over 2,000 centers nationwide, DNA Paternity Testing Centers is one of the largest, most affordable, networks of accredited DNA testing labs in the United States. Our price is unbeatable without sacrificing quality. We offer DNA testing for paternity, maternity, and all other relationships (grandparents, siblings, aunts/uncles).

Call us today at 866.944.9546 or ORDER ONLINE!

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Does DNA Influence Gut Health?


Top 3 DNA Test Kits

Take-at-home DNA test kits are still all the rage. These DNA test kits allow you to take them whenever is best for you in the privacy of your home. Usually, the kit involves spitting into a tube that you mail to the company. In a few weeks, you’ll receive your results. Some kits are purely for ancestral history, while others deliver genetic health conditions.

According to ZDNet, the top 3 DNA test kits are:

  • 23andMe
  • AncestryDNA
  • FamilyTreeDNA

All of these DNA test kits do about the same thing, but let’s examine each a bit more


This DNA test kit claims to identify genetic sequences that could impact your future health, such as Alzheimer’s Disease, high blood pressure, and more. It also has an ancestral history report. However, 23andMe doesn’t give genetic counseling, so you won’t know how to interpret your results. It’s also much more expensive than other tests, and your DNA is stored in a database with over 5 million people.


AncestryDNA continues to hold the award for the best historical research DNA test kit. However, accessing the ancestral database is an additional cost.


This DNA test kit is fairly new to the market. While AncestryDNA is a better option if you already have a family tree, FamilyTreeDNA is better for those starting from the beginning. Unfortunately, FamilyTreeDNA allows law enforcement agencies to use its database for forensic purposes. This can be a huge breach of privacy.

While take-at-home DNA test kits fame convenient, they are commonly used in scams, databases have been breached in cyber attacks, and results are often misleading. If you must take a DNA test, it’s much better to take a test that you know will be securely handled and stored.

DNA Paternity Testing provides rock-solid answers to important questions like parentage and ancestry. With over 2,000 centers nationwide, DNA Paternity Testing Centers is one of the largest, most affordable, networks of accredited DNA testing labs in the United States. Our price is unbeatable without sacrificing quality. We offer DNA testing for paternity, maternity and all other relationships (grandparents, siblings, aunts/uncles).

Call us today at 866.944.9546 or ORDER ONLINE!

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What Happens to DNA Submitted to DTC Companies?

Is a Take-at-Home DNA Test Right for Me?

It’s no debate that genetics play a crucial role in our health. Medical conditions and genetic disorders inherited from ancestors can impact your everyday health and lifespan.

With the explosion of take-at-home DNA tests, there has been a huge push to evaluate your DNA. However, there are many problems with take-at-home tests.

Tests promise results that they can’t predict. Not all take-at-home genetic testing companies provide scientifically supportable tests, and not all tests are covered by health insurance.

It can be confusing to know which test is right for you. Further, genetic counseling (professional interpretation of your DNA results) is crucial to understanding your results, yet this is often cast aside.

“Family history and genetics play an important role in our overall health, including improving health outcomes or preventing possible disease,” says Joanne Armstrong, M.D., MPH, Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Women’s Health and Genomics for CVS Health. “But the direct-to-consumer genetic testing products available today may provide inaccurate, incomplete or misleading results.”

In general, it’s best to stay away from take-at-home DNA kits. These usually prey upon your curiosity without giving you much scientific accuracy. Be wary of tests that claim to give medical answers. If possible, seek out genetic counseling upon receiving your results.

DNA Paternity Testing provides rock-solid answers to important questions like parentage and ancestry. With over 2,000 centers nationwide, DNA Paternity Testing Centers is one of the largest, most affordable, networks of accredited DNA testing labs in the United States. Our price is unbeatable without sacrificing quality. We offer DNA testing for paternity, maternity and all other relationships (grandparents, siblings, aunts/uncles).

Call us today at 866.944.9546 or ORDER ONLINE!

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DNA Kits on Sale – Are They Worth It?

Lawsuits on the Rise

It’s an increasingly trending story.

The innocent gift of a take-at-home ancestry test is given during a holiday or birthday. But instead of bringing intrigue or putting together pieces of your ancestral history, the results are devastating; either you or someone you love is not who you think they are.

It could be the discovery that you have extra half-siblings or that your child was conceived during an affair. In Vanner Johnson’s case, when received his results from a 23andMe test kit, it revealed that his youngest son wasn’t listed as his biological relative. Grief and questions consumed the family as they pursued legal action.

After countless phone calls, he discovered that his sperm was mixed up with another donor for his wife’s IVF treatment, resulting in his son not being biologically his.

Unfortunately,  the Johnsons are not alone.

“I have seen a substantial increase in these cases over the past few years,” said Adam B. Wolf, a lawyer specializing in fertility fraud lawsuits. “Our clients typically call in February after receiving the results of the at-home DNA tests they receive for the holidays.”

While Johnson’s son was eventually able to meet his biological dad and the families are now friends, this isn’t always the case. Rightly so, many families seek legal action against fertility treatments and their fertility doctor or specialist.

DNA kits can be a trivial, fun gift, but they can also unearth unknowns that are better kept secret. They can even result in legal action and hefty fees. DNA testing should be carefully considered. If you proceed forward with testing, choose a company like DNA Paternity Testing Center to keep your genetic information secure and private.

With over 2,000 centers nationwide, DNA Paternity Testing Centers is one of the largest, most affordable, networks of accredited DNA testing labs in the United States. Our price is unbeatable without sacrificing quality. We offer DNA testing for paternity, maternity and all other relationships (grandparents, siblings, aunts/uncles).

Call us today at 866.944.9546 or ORDER ONLINE!

Father and Daughter Reunited

Like many children, Tyree Beecham grew up in a single-parent household, but she never pushed her mother to talk about her father. Most of Tyree’s friends came from single-parent households, as well, so she never felt out of place.

When Tyree decided to take a 23andMe test, she was shocked to gain four new men in her life: three half brothers and her father. And–they only lived 25 miles away!

“It was unbelievable,” Tyree said. “I was a believer and I prayed beforehand, but I didn’t even care who he was as a person. I was just excited to meet him and spend some time with him. I was just happy to know him because I went 27 years without knowing him.”

First, Tyree found her half-brother, Eric, on social media. Surprisingly, Eric had taken a 23andMe test just three years ago and discovered that Maurice Gatling was his father. Eric immediately called Maurice, who thought he was joking.

“I never thought in my 52 years that I would have a daughter,” said Maurice. “She just came out of nowhere. I always wanted a daughter and now I’m a really proud dad. I feel like I’m dreaming or something. It’s amazing. I still can’t believe it. I’m speechless.”

A few days later, Tyree met Eric and Maurice in an auto parts parking lot.

“He was excited to talk to me and that made me feel good,” Tyree said of her father. “He said, ‘You know I can’t make up 27 years, but I’d love to start a relationship with you now,’ and I said yes right away.”

The two got another DNA test to confirm the match before telling Tyree’s mother. The two have been getting to know each other ever since.

With over 2,000 centers nationwide, DNA Paternity Testing Centers is one of the largest, most affordable, networks of accredited DNA testing labs in the United States. Our price is unbeatable without sacrificing quality. We offer DNA testing for paternity, maternity and all other relationships (grandparents, siblings, aunts/uncles).

Call us today at 866.944.9546 or ORDER ONLINE!

New DNA Rewrites Ice Age History

DNA technology is always progressing, and with its progression comes new information about previously-determined realities. One such case is with large animals like mammoths and bisons around the time of the Ice Age.

Tyler Murchie, an archaeologist specializing in ancient DNA at McMaster University found frozen soil samples from Canada’s permafrost. The soil had been recovered in the early 2010s but had sat in the freezer until Murchie found it.

Murchie said, “I found them in the freezers while looking for a new project during my PhD. One of my responsibilities at the ancient DNA center is freezer maintenance, so I had a good idea of what cool stuff might be in there waiting for someone to study.”

Murchie and his research team sought to understand why large mammals such as mammoths and bison survived for thousands of years before going extinct. Previously, scientists thought climate change, loss of food due to climate change, and overhunting caused the extinction. However, Murchie’s research revealed that these animals were declining in population long before climate change.

While DNA Paternity Testing isn’t involved with archaeology, stories like this reveal the power of DNA technology and testing. If you want rock-solid answers to important questions like parentage and ancestry, DNA Paternity is ready to help!

With over 2,000 centers nationwide, DNA Paternity Testing Centers is one of the largest, most affordable, networks of accredited DNA testing labs in the United States. Our price is unbeatable without sacrificing quality. We offer DNA testing for paternity, maternity and all other relationships (grandparents, siblings, aunts/uncles).

Call us today at 866.944.9546 or ORDER ONLINE!

Does DNA Influence Gut Health?

About 10-15% Americans struggle from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), making it the most common disorder diagnosed by gastroenterologists. While there are many lifestyle choices and dietary habits that play important roles in the development of IBS, scientists are now discovering that genetics are a factor, as well.

“These results are very exciting and warrant follow-up studies: once more stool frequency genes are unequivocally identified, we may have a battery of new drug targets to be exploited for the treatment of constipation, diarrhoea and common dysmotility syndromes like IBS,” said Mauro D’Amato, PhD, a research professor at CIC nioGUNE in Spain and coordinator of the team of researchers.

Using data from 167,875 people in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, and the United States, researchers found a common genetic denominator that tied stool frequency to the development of IBS.

The researchers gave each genetic finding a numerical value. The numerical value, called a polygenic score, gives the likelihood of having altered stool. The data found that a high polygenic score indicated a 5-time increase in IBS with diarrhea than the remainder of the population.

“The genetic information and the polygenic scores obtained in this study can be refined and eventually contribute to the classification of patients into different treatment groups, hopefully leading to improved therapeutic precision when aiming to bring gut dysmotility and altered bowel habits back to normal,” Dr. D’Amato said.

DNA Paternity Testing provides rock-solid answers to important questions like parentage and ancestry. With over 2,000 centers nationwide, DNA Paternity Testing Centers is one of the largest, most affordable, networks of accredited DNA testing labs in the United States. Our price is unbeatable without sacrificing quality. We offer DNA testing for paternity, maternity and all other relationships (grandparents, siblings, aunts/uncles).

Call us today at 866.944.9546 or ORDER ONLINE!